
This folder has four files each file has its different work.

  • autoload.php

  • config.php

  • menu.php

  • route.php

autoload.php: This file load all the asset dependency in the controller. Make a config array and add all files to it, config array has a "file" key that has JS file location as value and a "location" key that has an array of locations("controller_name/method_name") as value(where this JS file going to load). Here is the detailed description of the autoload file.

//load js file on controller function
$config['js-files'] = array(
        "file" => '',
        "location" => array(
        "file" => 'assets/js/booking_list.js',
        "location" => array(
        "file" => 'assets/js/post_custom_data.js',
        "location" => array(
        "file" => 'assets/js/option_data.js',
        "location" => array(

//load css file for controller function
$config['css-files'] = array(
        "file" => 'assets/css/extension.css',
        "location" => array(
        "file" => '',
        "location" => array(

//load helpers file 
$extension_helper = array(

config.php: This file has the config array containing the extension details such as name, description, or any information about it. 'is_default_active' key has 1 or 0. Here is the detailed description of the config file.


$config = array(
        "name" => "Minical Extension Boilerplate",
        "description" => "It is a sample boilerplate extension it contains the basic structure of a typical extension. It will show you the list of bookings.",
        "is_default_active" => 1,
        "version" => "1.0.0", // version of extension
        "logo" => "", // extension's log image
        "view_link" => "sample_page", // view icon link
        "setting_link" => "sample_page", // setting icon link
        "categories" => array("payment_process"), // category of extension
        "marketplace_product_link" => ""

menu.php: This file has menu-related details such as the extension's menu label, position on the menu bar, and route link. In this array, the 'location' key has a value such as PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and THIRD. 'label' key has menu label, 'link' key has URL link.

$module_menu = array(
		'label' => 'Bookings List',
		'location' => 'PRIMARY',
		'link' => 'bookings_list'

route.php: This has an array of extension routes, the route will be defined as the same ci route. Here is the detailed description of the route file.


//sample page
    $extension_route['sample_page'] = 'sample_controller/index';

//list route    
    $extension_route['bookings_list'] = 'show_booking/show_latest_bookings';
    $extension_route['customer_list'] = 'show_booking/show_customer_list';

//post route
    $extension_route['post_data'] = 'custom_data/get_post_data';
    $extension_route['add_custom_data'] = 'custom_data/add_custom_data';
    $extension_route['edit_custom_data/(:any)'] = 'custom_data/edit_custom_data/$1';
    $extension_route['update_custom_data'] = 'custom_data/update_custom_data';
    $extension_route['delete_custom_data/(:any)'] = 'custom_data/delete_custom_data/$1';

//option route
    $extension_route['option_data'] = 'option_data/get_option_data';
    $extension_route['add_option_data'] = 'option_data/add_option_data';
    $extension_route['edit_option_data'] = 'option_data/edit_option_data';
    $extension_route['update_option_data'] = 'option_data/update_option_data';
    $extension_route['delete_option_data'] = 'option_data/delete_option_data';

//info route
    $extension_route['info_page'] = 'sample_controller/show_info_page';

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