Local Installation

Follow this step to install miniCal locally.

  • Fork the repository miniCal git-repo or clone it locally.

  • Install the stable version of PHP 7.2.0 or higher, MySQL 5.0.4, and OS-specific dependency tools.

  • Create a MySql database with any name.

  • Do the basic configuration updates on the public->build.json file.

  • Create a new file named ".env" by copying the .env.example file which is located in the root.

  • Update database credentials and project URL in .env file, for more details check the .env example.

  • Run the "composer install" command on your project.

  • Make your-server.com point to /public directory of miniCal installation.

  • Install miniCal by going to http://localhost/minical/public/install.php in your browser and creating an admin account.

  • That's it. You are done! Visit miniCal at http://localhost/minical/public

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