Config File

The config file contains all the extension's configuration details. Under the config folder you will find the config.php file, In this file use the $config variable and pass an array of key-value pairs. This array has all the configuration keys and values. This $cofig array will resolve in miniCal core automatically.

$config = array(
        "name" => "Minical Extension Boilerplate",
        "description" => "It is a sample boilerplate extension it contains the basic structure of a typical extension. It will show you the list of bookings.",
        "is_default_active" => 1,
        "version" => "1.0.0", // version of extension
        "logo" => "", // extension's log image
        "view_link" => "bookings_list", // view icon link
        "setting_link" => "bookings_list", // setting icon link
        "categories" => array("payment_process"), // category of extension
        "marketplace_product_link" => ""

Below is a list of each key and its default values.

How to set custom configuration

miniCal allows us to set custom configurations along with the prefined key-values, pass your key-value pair into the config array.

$config = array(
        "name" => "Minical Extension Boilerplate",
        "description" => "It is a sample boilerplate extension it contains the basic structure of a typical extension. It will show you the list of bookings.",
        "is_default_active" => 1,
        "version" => "1.0.0", // version of extension
        "logo" => "", // extension's log image
        "view_link" => "bookings_list", // view icon link
        "setting_link" => "bookings_list", // setting icon link
        "categories" => array("payment_process"), // category of extension
        "marketplace_product_link" => "",
        "custom_key" => "custom value"

"logo" this key contains the value path of the extension logo, you can place it inside of your extension folder inside any subfolder. You can name this subfolder accordingly.

For e.g.

 # for this particular example, the value of the logo key would be   
       "logo" => "images/logo.png"

How to use the custom configuration

For retrieving any configuration key use the given syntax below.

At the place of $this->module_name, you can also use your extension folder name.

Load configuration key on controllers/Models



Load configuration key on Libraries/Hooks



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