miniCal Actions

The list of the miniCal actions

miniCal provides us different hooks. They provide a way for running a function at a specific point in the execution of miniCal Core. Callback functions for an Action do not return anything back to the calling Action hook.

do_action( ‘example_action_to_run’, $arg);
// The action callback function.
add_action( ‘example_action_to_run’, ‘example_callback_fun’, 10, 1);

function example_callback_fun( $arg) {
You can access the $arg1 here. You just need to manipulate it and check the output.

This list contains all the actions trigger points of miniCal. You can add a listener with the corresponding action

Booking Actions List

Customer Actions List

Charge Actions List

Payment Actions List

These are basically action triggers, you can add action listener like this:

add_action('', 'your_callback_function', 10, 1);
function your_callback_function($data) {
  // this code will be executed on booking creation, $data will have booking related info

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