The library is a class with functions or methods that allows creating an instance of that class. For your extensions you can add a library under the libraries folder, the naming convention should be like GreetingEmail.php. here is an example of a library.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class GreetingEmail {
public function __construct()
$this->ci =& get_instance();
$this->module_name = 'minical-extension-boilerplate';
function send_greeting_email()
$company_id = $this->ci->session->userdata('current_company_id');
$company = $this->ci->Company_model->get_company($company_id);
$content = 'Dear [first name] I hope this email finds you well';
$content1 = "<br/><br/>".'Thank you for your business'.",<br/><br/>"
<br/>".$company['email']. "<br/>".$company['phone']."<br/>";
$config['mailtype'] = 'html';
$email_data = array (
'company_name' => $company['name'],
'company_email' => $company['email'],
'content' => $content,
'content1' => $content1
$customer_email = $company['email'];
$from_email = '';
$email_from = $company['email'];
$this->ci->email->from($email_from, $company['name']);
$this->ci->email->subject('Hello From miniCal');
$this->ci->email->message($this->ci->load->view('../extensions/'.$this->module_name.'/views/gretting-mail-html', $email_data, true));
$msg = l('minical-extension-boilerplate/Email successfully sent to ', true);
return $msg.$customer_email;
Loading of library
You can load the library into controller, hooks, helper, or model, for loading your custom extension's library use the given syntax.
$this->module_name will have the extension name as value, or you can use the hardcode extension name at its place.